Wednesday, February 3, 2021

7 Essential Things to Think of When Designing Your Site

Creating a website is an indispensable part of every business plan in current times. It helps the business owner communicate with the target audience to significantly improve brand image, brand awareness, revenues, and profits.

So it does not matter whether you are selling products or services. You must have an online presence so that your target audience can find you when they are looking for products or services similar to yours.

However, there are certain factors that you must be aware of if you want to ensure that your potential customers can notice you amidst the sea of websites on a search page. We will discuss some of the essential factors of website designing that can give you an edge over your competitors.


Most people do not pay enough attention to the URL while designing a website. The URL should not be just a random name or address for your website, but it should be thought about carefully. A URL not only describes your business to your target audience, but it is also an effective SEO tool.

We will suggest that instead of choosing a random URL, you should take the help of professional  SEO experts like Idan Ben Or. They are not only experts in designing websites, but they can also help your web pages rank higher on search engines.

Website Navigation and Site Map

Before you start designing your website, you should first draw an effective structure. Google has started prioritizing user experience over most other factors when it comes to ranking websites on searches. A good website structure can influence users’ experience and ensure that they spend more time on it.

Your website should have consistent navigation, fonts, colors, and positions to achieve that. The section names should give the user a precise idea about the content. Adding a site map is an effective way to improve a user’s experience as it helps them look for specific pages or content.

Website Speed

With the advancements in technology, people these days have exceptionally high expectations from websites. Most people would go back to the search pages if your website takes more than 3 seconds to load. Therefore make sure you manage the loading speed of your website.

Media files like videos and images can make a website slow. Therefore, make sure that you use compression and the latest cloud-based technologies to display images, graphics, or videos on your website.

Provide Key Business Information

Most business owners make the mistake of designing a website according to what they desire. Instead, they should think of the needs of the target audience. So, do not concentrate on what you want your website to look like, but focus on providing essential business-related information.

You can use search intent research and buyer personas to understand what your potential customers might be looking for on a website. Also, offer essential information about your products and services that can attract your target audience.

Do not just concentrate on what you have to say about your business offerings. Instead, try to highlight the opinion of other users by including customer reviews and comments.

Social Media Integration

Social media plays a vital role in all kinds of businesses these days. Therefore, it is not enough to have social media pages, but you should also integrate them with your website. It may not be possible for you to upload images and activities on a website every day.

With the help of social media integration, you can make sure that the website visitors also get a glimpse of your daily updates on social media. It will also allow your potential customers to read your interactions with your existing and target audience and expose them to more reviews.

Mobile Version

Most people use their mobile phones instead of computers to look for products and services. Experts believe that more than 3/4th of the American population would rely on their mobile phones to browse the Internet and search for relevant services by 2025.

Google has also started prioritizing the mobile version of a website over its desktop version for its rankings. Therefore make sure that your website gets optimized for different small devices, including mobile phones and tablets. The mobile version of your website should be autoloading and needs minimal interaction from users.

Call to Actions (CTA)

Call to Actions are features on your website that provoke a visitor to click or respond on your website.  You can use them to run promotions on your website and increase conversion rates. Make sure that you use one CTA feature on every page to generate more conversions from website visits.

You need to ensure that the CTAs are relevant to the search query and focus on your target audience’s requirements. The color, font, and position of the CTA on a web page can also impact its success. Also, ensure that the CTAs are optimized for the mobile version of your website.

Visual aspects are the only essential factors to consider while designing your website. In the current times, you need to ensure that your website structure and content is relevant and optimized for a better user experience. It will help you to drive more traffic, increase conversions, and improve sales from it.

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