Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Changing Careers at 50 Without a Degree: A Comprehensive Guide

Today, more and more people are thinking about changing careers as they grow older. Leaving the boring office job behind and making a fresh start is what many of us dream of. We often hear inspiring stories about 50-year-old accountants or bankers who quit their jobs to become designers, photographers, or someone else. Those people claim that a new career at 50 made them truly happy.

So, why not try and take a risk? Of course, it’s more difficult to decide on such a crucial step when job seekers get older. Is there a way to get over your worries and start your career with a clean slate? Read on – our tips will help you make the right decision.

See If You Truly Need This

Professionals point out very distinct signs that reveal that your old job is no longer good for you. Here are some of them:

  • Your work seems uninteresting and boring
  • You have a depressing feeling that there is nowhere to move on and nothing else to achieve in this sphere
  • You notice that you are daydreaming or thinking about irrelevant things while at work
  • When you need to go to work, you are feeling nervous, or drained (sometimes panic disorders occur).

Obviously, extreme exhaustion and tiredness can also be the source of these feelings.

Besides, take notice of how you get along with your colleagues and employers. Maybe all you have to do is have some rest, or change the team of employees you work with. But if your state hasn’t returned to normal after, let’s move on to the next stage.

Overcome Your Fears

Needless to say, it’s harder to start a job search as you get older. Your life is going to turn upside down, so taking this step demands some courage. For a professional with high qualifications and work experience, the transition to the beginner status can be extremely painful.

Fortunately, even if you are starting from scratch, some skills that you already have will surely come in handy. With the help of experienced specialists from a resume writing service, all your accomplishments will be highlighted in a CV in the best way possible. Getting professional help is a great way to invest in your career since an outstanding resume will definitely draw hiring managers’ attention.

Psychologists all over the world agree that any career change always implies some uncertainty. Therefore, many applicants face anxiety and stress. To overcome these negative emotions, try to understand what you are most afraid of.

To deal with these feelings (fear of change, in particular), you can:

  • Recall your outstanding accomplishments and experiences – how you tried something you never did before, and what was essential for you to finish this task;
  • Collect encouraging examples and inspiring stories from the life of your acquaintances – did some of them manage to land a job at the age of 50?
  • Seek motivation by studying biographies of prominent specialists.

Some employees are willing to change their careers because of burnout.  More and more people seek to get professional help to deal with it. But thanks to a career change at 50, you can definitely avoid it.

By far, the best way to deal with your fears is not to shoot yourself in the foot and act gradually. If you have the opportunity, ask your employer to transfer you to remote work or shorten your working hours.

In this case, you will have a chance to take online training courses and develop some key skills for your future position. Besides, it is also important to study specialized literature and settle into a new environment, making acquaintances.

Choose an Area

For some, this step may seem like the easiest one. You may finally have a chance to realize your childhood dreams, use your talents, or turn your favorite hobby into your life’s work. However, others may struggle to decide what path to choose. In such circumstances, turning to career advice experts can be quite useful.

Before seeing a professional, reflect on such issues:

  • When and where was I absolutely happy and fulfilled?
  • Where did I feel a true joy and delight that I want to feel now while working?
  • How would I spend my life if I didn’t have to work for money?

The next step is to invest your own career resources. Over the years, you have accumulated a great number of abilities and skills. Now, they can be used as keys to mastering something new.

In addition to that, career advice experts often recommend that you apply for positions in those areas that are a little closer to the one which you currently work in. Why? We often tend to overlook the opportunities that are in the field of our activity. Besides, it gives you a chance to grow much faster.

If you feel comfortable in a safe and predictable environment, then working for a company or organization is likely to be the best choice for you. Yet, many people in their 50s become entrepreneurs and develop their own businesses. It is no wonder that we are eager to be our own boss and set our own schedule.

Some consider starting a company in the same field they worked in before. Then, the acquired network of contacts and knowledge are of great help. You may enjoy being an entrepreneur if you are able to take risks and show flexibility. It certainly takes self-discipline and hard work, and you need to be proactive and take initiative on an everyday basis.

Have a Reliable Financial Plan

When starting a new career, be aware that financial problems may arise. Of course, it will be great if everything works like clockwork. Anyway, it’s better to be prepared in case your income level falls, so consider having some money set aside. Business coaches and HR experts recommend quitting your job if your financial cushion allows you to meet your expenses throughout the year.

To Wrap It Up

In addition to entrepreneurship, many people over 50 decide to start sharing their knowledge and experience with younger specialists. They begin to teach others what they know and educators who have practical experience in the area are absolutely the most sought-after in the modern world.

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The post Changing Careers at 50 Without a Degree: A Comprehensive Guide appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.

Changing Careers at 50 Without a Degree: A Comprehensive Guide posted first on https://tweakyourbiz.com/

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