Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Top Tips for Marketing Luxury Goods on Social Media

Marketing on social media comes with its fair share of difficulties, but you may find those problems more apparent if you have a luxury product. Most of the strategies that regular brands use to market their brand won’t apply to you, and simply spending money won’t give you the results you want. However, these top tops for advertising luxury brands on social media will.

Use Visual-Based Social Media Websites to Your Advantage

What separates a luxury brand from everything else is the visual quality of the product. You can’t physically hold products in your hand in the eCommerce sphere, but you can show off your items with expert photography. Facebook analytics suggest that 78% of Americans discovered retail products to buy on their website, and the numbers don’t lie.

Luxury brand Chanel acknowledges the visual power of her brand and marketing potential social media websites like Pinterest can do for it. Without even having a platform themselves, Chanel clothing and handbags have been pinned thousands of times daily.

Sell Your Story and Heritage

Many luxury brands have the reputation of being an up-and-coming mom and pop shop where their items and goods are made by hand. Every luxury brand you’ve ever heard of concentrates on how the individual designer started from one sewing machine and a dream. Your brand is likely similar because you don’t have the capital to switch to factory-made in the first place.

Having simple roots is a positive thing for your brand because it helps you build a connection with people who want to buy your goods. The more care and time you take with your goods, the more you can market the brand’s craftsmanship and ingenuity.

Use Income Targeting

The story of income targeting is best shown with luxury car brand Bugatti. The Bugatti sports car isn’t more powerful, more impressive, or more stylish than most sports cars, but the high price point on its release made them inaccessible to most Americans. Inaccessibility is what makes Bugatti a luxury car, and this strategy can be implemented by almost any brand.

Targeting the top 5% of consumers will inevitably make your brand luxury without trying, but you need to make this demographic feel that this status symbol is worth paying for. It’s important to balance brand clout with the price point, or you could fail before starting.

Post Limited Quantities or Estimated Demands

Making an item impossible to obtain makes something luxurious because it implies that only those with connections can purchase it. Luxury clothing brands Supreme and Anti Anti Social Club use scarcity to further up their products’ price. It’s difficult to find new releases within a day unless you buy them at a marked up price on auction websites or marketplaces.

It’s important that you never imply scarcity when there isn’t a shortage. It’s illegal to lie to your consumers about how limited an item is if it isn’t, but having a small quantity of something will benefit your bottom line anyway, so there isn’t any excuse not to try this method.

Comment Bait Without Looking Desperate

Gucci is a company that you wouldn’t associate with memeing but exceeded everyone’s expectations. During their 2017 meme campaign, Gucci used their own fashion photos and designs to poke fun at themselves while also asking their audience about their opinions. With over 2M likes 30 memes, they successfully achieved a 0.5% engagement rate.

In any marketing terms, that’s successful, as the average is typically between 0.2-0.4%. Adding a bit of humor to your brand while also asking your followers to comment can ensure that your luxury goods receive more traction on social media without paying a dime in advertisements.

Pearls over black gloves -DepositPhotos

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