Thursday, March 18, 2021

10 Instagram Video Marketing Tips You Must Know

Instagram users feel more inclined to watch videos rather than looking at images or reading long captions in the feed. According to Quintly, Instagram Videos receive 21% more interactions than photo posts. Videos are more popular because they present information in a digestible manner. Also, something moving in the feed will naturally attract more attention.

Even a short video can capture more user attention in comparison to image posts. Moreover, they are interesting and memorable. So, let’s glance at some Instagram video marketing tips to take your Instagram results to a higher level.

Choose a Goal

The key to Instagram video marketing is having definite goals with a multi-faceted approach. Your goals can range from creating brand awareness to providing effective customer services to generate email sign-ups, to driving more traffic to the website.

You may also use videos to make money by promoting affiliate products or your own products and services.

If choosing a goal seems a bit perplexing to you, you can simply pick one that matches your overall business goal. If your aim is to grow your company’s brand, you can focus on impressions, while if you want to increase revenue, you can focus on directly getting email subscribers or generating sales directly.

Conduct Research

You can create effective content only if you know your audience enough. You can do this with activities such as researching the market trend and reading reports and case studies in your niche. Another clever way to conduct market research is by stalking your competitors and followers. You may even leave a DM to communicate and get feedback from them.

Apart from checking on others, you should also analyze your Instagram profile’s old video posts. Study how the videos performed and what customers may have left in comments as suggestions. You can combine all the research to create better videos.

You can conduct this research manually or use the software. There are a lot of useful Instagram analytics tools and ad spy tools that can simplify the process.

Create Short Videos

As a viewer, have you skipped on a lengthy video or saved it for later only to realize you never watched it. Your followers are in a similar situation. As per Vidyard statistics, only 52% of users watch the video till the end, and 68% of users watch the video if it is 60 seconds or less. For Instagram, short videos that are thirty seconds long work the best.

A user is also more likely to watch the video after the initial three seconds. So, the video should start off well and it should be short too.

As per Hubspot research, the sweet spot for Instagram videos is just 26 seconds. For someone who has an even lesser attention span, a gif or a fifteen-second video may work better. This provides bite-sized information for the user to process while scrolling on the feed. Therefore, emphasize creating potent and short videos for maximum engagement.

Your video length should depend on your audience and the type of Instagram video you are making. So, make sure you get this right.

You can adjust the length with good free video editing software.

Add Thumbnails

Adding thumbnails is essential as users can turn off the autoplay feature. This data-saving technique helps them save data. However, they will need to press play to watch your video. This is why adding a thumbnail is imperative.

You should add an exciting thumbnail with eye-catchy details so that users feel compelled to click play. Also, thumbnails will make your Instagram feed look more cohesive.


Tag Products With Shoppable Videos

Tagging product links in your videos with Instagram shoppable posts, is an excellent way to generate more sales. You can tag multiple products in the videos.

When you tag products, a shopping icon will appear on the video, and people can easily click on it. This will enable them to directly visit the landing page without making an effort to look for the ‘link in bio’.

Create a Variety of Videos

Instagram allows users to share feed videos, reels, stories, and IGTV videos. Make Use all these to reach a maximum number of people.

You may introduce new products in your feed with a simple video. For instance, the Starbucks Instagram page has dedicated videos of their various drinks. This helps the users witness the drinks in their full glory and feel tempted to try them.

You may add short videos with stickers, polls, and questions in the stories for more user interaction. Moreover, you can progressively tell a story on Insta stories. These stay online for twenty-four hours; however, you can restore them and add them to highlights.

Apart from these, create longer IGTV videos for descriptive content. Levi’s Instagram page has feed videos to show their new organic cotton collection. At the same time, their IGTV has videos about sustainability in fashion.

Finally, go live on your channel by tapping on the live icon. Make sure you have a high-speed stable internet connection for this. You can interact with users and answer their questions in real-time over live videos.

Use Video in Influencer Marketing

When hiring influencers to promote your products and services, ensure that they create video posts instead of photos. Their followers will find these more credible and will engage with them more. These may include short stop motion videos, video reviews, product hauls, and try-ons.

Create More Helpful Videos

Instead of only creating promotional videos, consider creating helpful content. It may include professional tips, user directions, and other educational videos. When you deliver more free content, users will feel connected to the brand and personally invest more time.

You don’t need to create expensive videos, a simple video with relevant information will do the trick.

Don’t Ignore the Caption

Just because you are creating a useful video, it doesn’t mean that you get to pay as little attention as possible to the caption. You need to spend an ample amount of time writing a witty or persuasive caption. You also need to do plenty of research to find relevant hashtags that are more likely to make your post go viral.

And use a mix of low, medium and high competition of hashtags instead of only using the ones that get used millions of times. It’ll be far easier to rank for hashtags that are used less often.

Pay Attention To Insights

Instagram insights will help you assess which video topics and durations perform best. Pay close attention to this data and use it to improve your videos. For basic information, you can use Instagram’s built-in insights. But for more data, you should get a third-party analytics tool.


Instagram videos require more effort than images, but the results you generate from them make the extra effort you put in worthwhile. So, begin making them today.

Author Bio

Rachel Bowland is the content manager at Social Marketing Writing and Creatiwitt. She likes to write about marketing and design.

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