Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Native advertising platforms: what are they? And how do they work?

Native advertising is an effective strategy you can count on to boost brand awareness and generate more leads for your business.

The idea is to create contents that blend seamlessly into the website where they appear.

That way, they look like normal content on the site, so users don’t see them as advertisements.

If you’re going to start a native ad campaign, then for sure, you’re going to require the services of a native advertising platform.


What are native advertising platforms, and how do they work? 

Basically, native advertising is a paid advertisement and it is a popular tool among webmasters.

However, it is a paid advertisement that functions a little bit differently than those traditional paid advertising.

With the use of written content, native advertising is essentially an ad that is disguised as the original content by the platform.

Morse, you could also call native advertising, native content. According to Wiki Native advertising in many cases functions like an advertorial, and manifests as a video, article or editorial.

Think of it the same as a traditional PPC ad in Google SERPs. Though they clearly say “ad,” they’re still interspersed with other “non-ads” in the results.

You know what? Advertisers have found that these ads are extremely profitable, nonetheless. Plenty of people continue to click on those ads and buy those products.

Native advertising takes the same principles as these other ads and inserts them into written content.

One of the ways that website owners with large audiences monetize their websites is by offering advertisement placements to advertisers who wish to promote their brands on their platform.

Native advertising platforms are companies that connect advertisers to online platforms that are interested in hosting advertisements on their websites.

They assist advertisers to deliver their message in a way that feels natural and blends with other content that is found on the publisher’s website.


Why is Native Advertising Effective?

In this section, we’ll see the reasons why native advertising is most effective.

The reason why native advertising has proven to be so effective is that they are usually better received by their target audiences.

And this method helps to combat ad fatigue and further engages the audience.

Why? This is because they don’t “look” like advertisements, people are more inclined to view them and consume their content.

In conventional advertising, a graphic advertisement can be easily ignored, as people are constantly inundated with marketing ads throughout their day.

One of the benefits of native advertising is that it allows brands to get their message across with a greater likelihood that it gets consumed by the target audience.

This is because both of these tactics offer a more direct link to the target audience.

To cap, over time, consumers have learned how to “tune out” the unwanted ads and marketing messages that they never asked to receive in the first place. Native ads and content marketing offer marketers a way to circumvent this and get their messages in front of their audience.


Top native advertising platforms 

  1. Toboola 

Toboola is a popular content discovery and native ads network that reaches more than I.4 billion unique monthly visitors with recommended contents that are published across some of the worlds most visited websites including NBC News, Eurosport, Daily Mail, Fox Sports, USA Today, Tribune, Huffington Post, Newyork Times, etc., and also in smaller niche blogs. 50% of their traffic comes from Tier -1 countries such as the united states, France, UK, Japan, etc. With taboola, you can choose to target your audience by location, device, operating system, and connection type.    

  1. Outbrain 

Outbrain is also a world-famous content discovery platform, reaching over 1.2 billion unique monthly users, with 50% of their traffic also coming from Tier-1 countries such as the US, UK, Japan, and France. Outbrain also recommends content across top quality websites including CNN, Mashable, Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, Fox News, etc. The company has merged with Toboola, but notwithstanding, you can still deal with them as an individual company. 

  1. MGID 

 This native advertising network is equally worth your time. MGID has a reach of over 850 million unique monthly visitors, with their traffic coming from Europe, the US, Canada, Asia-pacific. You’ll need a minimum of $100 to start advertising with them. Plus, they charge a minimum bid of $0.015 per click for tier-1 countries. They partner with 31650+ publishers across the globe, making it possible for advertisers to drive a high volume of diverse traffic. With MGID, you have a targeting option of Geo, browser, browser language, mobile connections, and targeting OS.

  1. Yahoo Gemini 

You need to have a  minimum of $25 in your yahoo advertiser account before you can start advertising with this Yahoo Gemini. Yahoo is the only platform that offers search and native advertising in one place. The company boasts one billion monthly users, with 50% of the traffic coming from the US, UK, and France.



Native advertising platforms enable marketers to take advantage of huge traffic on some of the most popular sites and blogs. That way they can get their message across to a larger audience. Native advertising always works. That said, if you want to leverage this powerful online advertising strategy, then these ad networks are your allies.

Click here to know more about what native advertising is all about and how it works.


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Native advertising platforms: what are they? And how do they work? posted first on https://tweakyourbiz.com/

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