Thursday, February 10, 2022

What To Look for In a Video Editing Software

If you are on the hunt for a brand-new video editing software, there are a number of factors you must consider before you come to an informed conclusion and make the right decision for you. It can be tempting to avoid doing your research in favor of opting for the latest and greatest program currently available on the market, but this is unlikely to perfectly suit your individual needs and wants as a videographer and you may come to regret your decision down the line. If you are interested in what you should be looking for in a video editing software, continue reading to find out everything you need to know.



It must have an emphasis on motion blur

If you are wondering what you should be looking for in a video editing software, it may benefit you to know that it must have an emphasis on motion blur. This is, in the very simplest of terms, the blurring motion present in videos where moving objects are present and occurs as a result of the length of time it takes for frames to be fully exposed.

It can allow you to simulate natural movement during the post-production process and streamline the application of animation or moving text against a previously shot film. If you frequently shoot moving pictures, the video editing software you choose must not only include a feature that allows for motion blur but that successfully mimics motion in a way that is believable, accurate, and convincing. This can prevent your videos from appearing choppy or artificial and trick your audience into believing that the desired effect is not a function of shutter speed added during the post-production process, but a natural phenomenon caught on camera in real-time.

It is, however, no longer a matter of budget or skill but simply a matter of process with video editors only recently understanding the importance of motion blur and, as a result, relying on a world-class video editing software to manually add motion blur to moving images with an increasingly natural result achieved over time as emerging technological advancements have improved.

It must have Bézier interpolation

If you are curious as to what your next video editing software must include, it must have Bézier interpolation. This is, put simply, a mathematically defined method for drawing curves that can be altered by moving handles with interpolation loosely defined as the process of filling in the gaps between two unknown data values and generating brand-new values between certain keyframes.

It was originally invented by Pierre Bézier in the mid-1960s as a method of manufacturing Renault automobiles but has since been adopted by the animation industry as a means of accurately outlining movement. It may sound relatively complex if you are a beginner or have only recently expanded your existing knowledge and understanding of videography, but with a number of video editing software programs, such as Premiere Pro, allowing you to master the art of Bezier interpolation in a matter of minutes, it is only a matter of time before it becomes a fundamental asset to your existing video editing toolbox.

It must allow for color correction before color grading

In addition to having an emphasis on both motion blur and Bézier interpolation, your next video editing software must also allow for color correction before color grading. If you are unfamiliar with either of these terms as a beginner, however, it may benefit you to differentiate between color correction and color grading before embarking on your search for a video editing software.

The process of color correction is, for example, the means of transforming footage until it mimics the way it looks to the human eye whilst the process of color grading is the means of conveying a particular visual tone or mood through editing alone. By allowing for color correction before color grading, the final product can closely resemble how it would look in-person as opposed to looking artificial or over-edited and, as a result, unnatural to the naked eye.

By opting for color grading before color correction, on the other hand, you run the risk of creating a finished product that is not only extremely over-saturated but also unbalanced which can have a negative impact on the entire post-production process going forward.


If you are on the hunt for a video editing software but are struggling to know what you should be looking for, it may benefit you to familiarize yourself with a number of must-have features. It must, for example, have an emphasis on motion blur, have Bézier interpolation, and, last but certainly not least, allow for color correction before color grading so you can produce a final product that allows you to showcase your world-class video editing skills for the world to see.

The post What To Look for In a Video Editing Software appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.

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