Friday, March 18, 2022

The Business Structure that Suits You Best: A Comprehensive Guide

Just as you wouldn’t build your ideal home without a solid foundation, you should also not start your business without one. After all, you became an entrepreneur because of your excitement and love for business. And investing the time to make the right accounting decisions from the outset can help you become a successful business owner. 

You’ll need to keep the following accounting considerations in mind as you start your new business venture.


The business structure

The structure of your business is a significant issue, as it will influence how much tax you pay, the paperwork requirements, how you generate money, and so on. You can choose from one of the following types of business structures, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

Sole proprietorship

The business owner has entire control over the company and is personally accountable for all financial commitments under this form.

Sole proprietorship’s advantages include:

  • Simple and inexpensive to set up
  • Minimal paperwork
  • Flexibility and freedom in terms of operating the business
  • Lower business fees
  • Simple income tax
    • Simplified ownership
    • Straightforward banking

However, a sole proprietorship has certain disadvantages as well, such as:

  • Business financing is difficult to procure
  • No protection against liabilities
  • Unlimited liability
  • Selling is difficult
  • Hard to track expenses
  • Limited financial control
  • Hard to raise capital


When two or more persons share a firm’s profits and losses, they are individually responsible for the financial commitments.

A partnership offers the following benefits:

  • More capital
  • Access to broader expertise range
  • Increased business opportunities
  • Cost savings
  • Moral support
  • Improved work-life balance
  • Potential tax benefits

You can expect the following disadvantages as well:

  • Loss of autonomy
  • Liabilities
  • Complications during future sales
  • Emotional trouble
  • Lack of stability


A corporation is a legal body that exists independently of its founders. This implies that the founders are not personally liable. A corporation is considered as if it were a person, and it can be taxed. It can also be held accountable for debts. A corporation involves more expenditure and necessitates a lot of paperwork.

This business structure has the following pros:

  • Business continuity and security
  • Personal liability protection
  • Easy to access capital

It also has the following cons:

  • Rigid protocols and formalities
  • Double taxation
  • Time-consuming taxation process

Limited liability company

This combines the best of two structures – corporation and partnership – by allowing you to steer clear of personal accountability while passing revenues and losses on to the owners.

The advantages of a limited liability company include:

  • Management flexibility
  • Limited liability
  • Easy to start and maintain
  • Easier tax filing process

However, there are certain disadvantages as well, such as:

  • Self-employment tax
  • Member turnover consequences

When deciding on the structure of your business, it’s a good idea to get expert advice to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of each option. Additionally, it will be critical to remain on top of all the requirements for setting up the business structure and ensure that you fulfill requirements on a regular basis, track the necessary costs, and record when everything is in order.

Business financing

Starting a business requires money upfront. Most entrepreneurs don’t have that kind of cash on hand. You should consider finding an investor. Also, you should consider what you would provide them in exchange for their investment. Knowing the value of your firm can help you make the most prudent investment decisions possible. Financial research and reporting can provide you with genuine data to present to investors, ensuring that you are receiving what you deserve. It will also ensure that you’re not giving away too much.

Cash flow management

Revenue is required for a successful firm, and that revenue must be controlled. It’s critical to have a system that makes it easy for you to supervise everything, from effectively managing your books to projecting business operations to knowing how much you should save for taxes. This is one of the accounting decisions and responsibilities you’ll want to shoulder merely to “get by.” If the management of your company’s cash flow falls outside your skill set’s scope, it’s time to engage a professional. It could be either an internal employee or an outsourced accounting business.

Hiring in-house employees or outsourcing

One of the most important considerations the owner of a business can make is who to employ. Hiring someone to manage your HR and accounting tasks will allow you to focus on the bigger goals while also giving you peace of mind that your firm is running well. You could employ someone to take care of this for you, or you could engage an accounting firm to do it for you by outsourcing the responsibilities. Outsourcing is great for two things – it facilitates gaining a plethora of experience, and a professional team for a fraction of the expense of hiring individuals.

The business plan

A business strategy helps you stay on track. It guarantees that you are making smart decisions and are on track to achieve your objectives. A big part of your business plan is the financial research and how your company will generate income. This will assist you in determining how your firm will be self-sustaining and in attracting potential investors.


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